Thursday, March 11, 2010

Oh my GOSH!

My parents are cleaning out there house because they are moving!
Look at what I found!
One of my old PROM dresses and I was so excited that it still fit!
i know i am a dork but Kelli and I just laughed all day long ! 
What precious moments i get to share with my sisters!


  1. That is AMAZING! You go girl!!! I don't know how many people can say that - especially after 2 babies!! Makes me love you even more. :o) Happy for your parents too! Glad they aren't "moving" far away!

  2. You are too cute! Wish I could fit into my old prom dresses, but I can't! oh well

  3. *sigh* I'm depressed.. hahaha ok now i'm over it.
